Dr. Akaki Zoidze is a senior expert in health policy, health systems and health financing. His 20 years professional experience draws upon (i) public sector work as a deputy minister of Labour, Health and Social Affairs and Deputy State Minister of Georgia, during which he led or participated in number of major health financing reform…
Dr. Ivdity Chikovani is a medical doctor by background with more than 15 years experience in the field of health policy and systems research. She joined Curatio International Foundation in 2000 and since then has been involved in various mixed method studies as a lead researcher investigating barriers to care, the effectiveness of interventions. Ivdity…
Dr. Sophie Witter is a health economist with nearly 30 years’ experience in health systems research and development. She joined Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, where she is a Professor of International Health Financing and Systems. Her work has focused on health financing strategies, reducing financial barriers to accessing care and provider incentives, including performance-based finance.…
Dr. Predrag Duric is a medical doctor and epidemiologist by background, with PhD in public health more than 15 years experience in the field of public health and global health and development. He joined QMU as a lecturer in 2016. Before that, he was working as an international lead consultant for UNDP in Eastern Europe…
Bruno Marchal is the head of the Health Systems unit at the Department of Public Health. His current research focuses on stewardship of local health systems and research approaches for complex issues in health (including realist research).
Anna Vassall is a Professor of Health Economics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) and holds the Joep Lange Chair at the Amsterdam Institute of Global Health and Development at the University of Amsterdam. She is a health economist with over twenty-five years of both professional and academic experience in economic analysis in…
Maia Uchaneishvili is certified master’s in the project management, recently graduated from the George Washington University School of Business. She has more than 3 years’ experience in the project management, mostly focusing on research projects, during this period she managed more than 15 research projects in the organization. She joined Curatio International Foundation in 2011…
Dr. Natia Shengelia is a researcher at Curatio International Foundation. She participates in HIV/AIDS surveillance studies that track the dynamics of how HIV spreads among key populations, its prevalence and changes in risk behavior. She has worked on key population size estimations and is proficient in quantitative data analyses. Dr.Shengelia has also co-authored several research…
Lela Sulaberidze is a researcher holding Master’s degree in Public Health and current PhD student at the University of Georgia. She joined Curatio International Foundation in 2014 and is actively involved in research projects implementation with the focus on health policy and systems research. She has worked on investigating barriers and facilitators of care, including…
Dr. Karin Diaconu is a health scientist interested in health service delivery in humanitarian settings and low- and middle-income countries, particularly as relates to a health systems’ capability to offer care in times of adversity, i.e. exposure to prolonged stress (e.g. increased funding restrictions) or shock (e.g. protracted crises). Karin is also interested in…

Ariadna Nebot is a pharmacist, Master in Tropical Diseases (University of Barcelona) and Master in Public Health – Health system management and policy (ITM, Antwerp). Currently, she is research assistant at the Health Services Organisation unit at the Department of Public Health and her current research focuses on realist research and action research, and on…